Addresses and Phone Numbers of Stations
The Headquarters
Address: No. 17, Guangzhou St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10066
Phone number: (02) 2388-8099
Road conditions: (0800)000-123 #1
Short message service for programs of National Traffic Network: 0934-333-634
Taipei Station
Address: No. 17, Guangzhou St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10066
Phone number: (02) 2388-8099
Road conditions: (0800)000-123 #1
Lost and Found Line: (02) 2388-0066
Short message service for programs: 0934-333-094
Hsinchu Station
Address: No. 389, Sec. 2, Xinglong Rd., Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302
Phone number: (03)5500-301
Short message service for programs: 0934-011-652
Taichung Station
Address: No. 99, Boai St., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408
Phone number: (04)2251-1911
Road conditions: (0800)000-123 #2
Short message service for programs: 0934-078-330
Tainan Station
Address: No. 85-21, Nanshi, Madou Dist., Tainan City 721
Phone number: (06)571-5428
Short message service for programs: 0934-306-953
Kaohsiung Station
Address: No. 455, Boai 4th Rd., Zuoying Dist., Kaohsiung City 813
Phone numbers: (07)359-0000 #6666 or #6688
Road conditions: (0800)000-123 #3
Short message service for programs: 0934-338-951
Yilan Station
Address: No. 89, Sec. 2, Minquan Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County 26049
Phone number: (03)9334100
Road conditions: (0800)000-123 #4
Short message service for programs: 0934-056-317
Hualien Station
Address: No. 21-2, Fuqian Rd., Hualien City, Hualien County 970
Phone number: (03)8228-801
Road conditions: (0800)000-123 #5
Short message service for programs: 0934-033-653
Taitung Station
Address: No. 289, Zhongshan Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County 950
Phone number: (089) 331-231
Road conditions: (0800)000-123 #6
Short message service for programs: 0934-172-875
PBS Service Center
1F, No. 17, Guangzhou St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10066
Contact Phone: (02)2388-8099 #5201 (9:00 - 17:00 every day)
Fax: (02)2375-7078 (24 hours)
Road conditions: 0800-000-123 (24 hours)
PBS Lost and Found Line: (02) 2388-0066 (9:00 - 20:00 Mon to Fri and 9:00 - 17:00 Sat to Sun)